Sunday, July 15, 2007

My childhood revisited

All of the toys I loved during my childhood are making a comeback: Strawberry Shortcake, Transformers*, Care Bears, etc. and the great thing** is that I have my own kids which allows me to play with this stuff all over again! Since we're revisiting the 80's here are a few more characters I'd like to see reappear:

1. Monchihichis
2. Smurfs
3. Rainbow Brite
4. Charmkins
5. Fraggle Rock
6. HeMan
7. Jem
8. Snorks
9. Alvin and the Chipmunks
10. Kissyfur
11. Get Along Gang

I could do this all night but will stop for now and will probably add more later.

What characters would be on your list?

*I remember being very upset one Christmas because I wanted Optimus Prime and instead my cousin got that one.

**Another great thing about being a parent: I can sit at the table and color with my kids and it's okay because I'm spending quality time with them!