Friday, May 4, 2007

Vet vexation

I'm completely irritated with Zoie's vet.

Mr. Tonks took the little furball in this morning for a grooming appointment. He returned home with her about 20-minutes later. She was still stinky and overly furry.

Our vet insisted that she be given a bordetella shot, a fecal test and something else (can't remember what). That'd be fine- had all of it not be done eight or so months ago. Mr. Tonks and I refused to go-ahead with any of it so they refused to groom her.

Had they given us a definitive reason as to why (other than a very pithy, "It's for the health and well-being of your dog."), I might have considered it. All of my research on the subject tells me that it's not necessary more than once a year so why should a $35 groom turn into a $200 visit? I kind of started to feel like I was being taken.

She's still funky which means that this weekend I'll have to bathe her, cut her nails and cut her hair. The last time I did that the poor dog skulked around the house for days afterward because I did such a terrible job, unintentionally of course, but terrible nonetheless. Truly, it was awful. My neighbor, upon seeing the dog, said, "Did JP do that?"

Maybe if I let JP do the trimming she'd look better.