Monday, April 2, 2007

'Tis the Season

I have been hoping and praying for Spring to get here and now it has arrived in full force in all its glory, with green grass, blooming flowers, budding trees and the need to be outside as much as humanly possible. Glorious!

What is not so fantastic is the runny nose, watery, itchy eyes, sore throat and the feeling that I've been smacked upside the head by a gigantic peony teeming with pollen.

Pre- JP and SG I would've stayed inside as much as possible until Memorial Day. Now, with two kiddos who start begging to go outside almost as soon as they've finished their chocolate milk, being a Spring hermit ain't an option. Plus, I finally have a house I love with a yard that is begging for some TLC. I want to be outside gardening and playing in the dirt! My head is spinning with all my landscaping plans, container recipes and trying to figure out what cool thing I'm going to do with my nifty solar powered, color changing, bubble lights.


There is no point to this post. None at all. You'll notice the label distinctly reads WHINING and nothing else. I've got about four more years of allergy shots before I'm done with Springtime Sneezes (at least this is what they tell me).

Right now, I need to go blow my nose.